So....I haven't posted in a while...sorry about that...notthatanyoneactuallyreadsmyblog...
Anyways, things have been crazy busy with me lately, but despite all of the chaos, I feel very...accomplished. I've gotten a few emails from my dad, most of them just silly nonsense, but I let myself get upset over them and I also allowed the stress from my dad to impact my life in general, and that is not okay.
So, I have devised a plan to let go of everything I've been holding on to. I am going to write a list of things I want to tell my dad. A list full of regrets, shames, secrets, and anything else I want to write on it. Just knowing that I'm gonna make this list makes me feel lighter and more free.
So today, I forgot about my dad and just enjoyed life, and I gotta say, enjoying life is fun.
I laughed like crazy, danced when I felt like it, and smiled just because I wanted to.
It was beautiful.
Lately, I've been feeling like I'm treading water, and it's all I can do to keep my head up, and sometimes waves hit me and I'm sinking, but now today, I felt my feet touch the bottom, I think I finally found the shore.
All in all, things are looking bright.
"The future depends on what you do today." -Mahatma Ghandi
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Saturday, 24 November 2012
Do you ever have one of those moments when you realize you're good at something? I don't mean just good, I mean really good, like exceptionally, amazingly, fantastically good.
That's how I feel about my writing right now.
I've always been good at English, it's just one of my strong suits. I have a way with words, especially poetry and short stories. But lately I've been noticing that my other stuff is good too, like my essays and even my response questions. And it feels good to recognize this talent.
In all honesty, it feels good to feel good about something.
I'm just really happy. And I like it. A lot.
And my English teacher would totally kick me in the shin in the food court of a crowded mall for saying a lot, but right now, I'm too blissful to care.
"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions." -Dalai Lama XIV
(In case anyone was wondering, I get most of my lovely quotes from here: )
That's how I feel about my writing right now.
I've always been good at English, it's just one of my strong suits. I have a way with words, especially poetry and short stories. But lately I've been noticing that my other stuff is good too, like my essays and even my response questions. And it feels good to recognize this talent.
In all honesty, it feels good to feel good about something.
I'm just really happy. And I like it. A lot.
And my English teacher would totally kick me in the shin in the food court of a crowded mall for saying a lot, but right now, I'm too blissful to care.
"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions." -Dalai Lama XIV
(In case anyone was wondering, I get most of my lovely quotes from here: )
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
New Day
Today is World Diabetes Day!
I wore my "Does this shirt make me look diabetic?" shirt today. I showed my diabetic friend, and she thought it was awesome. Some people thought it was funny. Some people were just confused.
I was given candy, pizza, and a frappuccino today. Slightly ironic.
My dad also emailed me today. Twice. And I'm ok.
The first email freaked me out. He said he wanted to come see me. I told him I don't want to see him right now. He then sent me this big long email. He says he misses me and he's sad. I don't know if I believe him anymore.
The good thing is when I got the second email, I didn't panic like I usually do. I was calm the whole time I was reading it.
I feel like I'm really moving on.
Just because you've been hurt, doesn't mean you're broken.
I wore my "Does this shirt make me look diabetic?" shirt today. I showed my diabetic friend, and she thought it was awesome. Some people thought it was funny. Some people were just confused.
I was given candy, pizza, and a frappuccino today. Slightly ironic.
My dad also emailed me today. Twice. And I'm ok.
The first email freaked me out. He said he wanted to come see me. I told him I don't want to see him right now. He then sent me this big long email. He says he misses me and he's sad. I don't know if I believe him anymore.
The good thing is when I got the second email, I didn't panic like I usually do. I was calm the whole time I was reading it.
I feel like I'm really moving on.
Just because you've been hurt, doesn't mean you're broken.
Monday, 12 November 2012
Good times
So I just got back from visiting M a few hours ago.
I miss her already.
We had so much fun, I had a BLAST! We watched 3 Disney movies, suffered through the cold weather, laughed liked maniacs, and proved that even diabetics can be weird. <3
"It's weird not to be weird." - John Lennon
Thursday, 8 November 2012
For the first time in a while, I had an awesome week. I forgot about my dad for a while, and when he emailed me, I received advice from my buddy A to just...let it go. So I did.
I've been trying this new thing lately. When something upsets me, I allow myself to feel the emotion, then I calm myself down and let it go. And it works amazingly well.
Also I just wanted to send a little shout out to my girl K, who has always been there for me but who I believe doesn't get enough credit. She's the one who asks for updates on my dad, and even steers A and G back on topic when they interrupt me. She's the one with the cute clothes who knows all the coolest hairstyles. She is one of my best friends in the whole world. K, you are beautiful and I love you so much. Thank you for always being there for me.
On another note, this time tomorrow...I'LL BE WITH MY DPB, M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And so, I happily conclude this post, feeling as though everything is falling into place. I'm getting over my pain, little by little.
A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.
I've been trying this new thing lately. When something upsets me, I allow myself to feel the emotion, then I calm myself down and let it go. And it works amazingly well.
Also I just wanted to send a little shout out to my girl K, who has always been there for me but who I believe doesn't get enough credit. She's the one who asks for updates on my dad, and even steers A and G back on topic when they interrupt me. She's the one with the cute clothes who knows all the coolest hairstyles. She is one of my best friends in the whole world. K, you are beautiful and I love you so much. Thank you for always being there for me.
On another note, this time tomorrow...I'LL BE WITH MY DPB, M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And so, I happily conclude this post, feeling as though everything is falling into place. I'm getting over my pain, little by little.
A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.
Friday, 2 November 2012
I am happy.
And it's amazing.
(A quote from a previous post..."I don't know how to make myself happy.")
Well, I don't know how but I figured it out.
I am also sooooooooo excited!
1. Tomorrow I am going to Anime Evolution. That's right, I am an anime nerd, and proud of it! PLUS, I get to see T, who I haven't seen in a month. Awesome!
2. I made it through what felt like the LONGEST day ever! And I have NO HOMEWORK! Awesome!!!
3. NEXT WEEK, I shall be visiting my DPB, M, who I haven't seen since JULY! I've skyped her a few times in the past few weeks, and it's great just to hear her voice (and her laugh!) again. I CAN'T WAIT unitl I get to see her and hug her (and probably cry happy tears)!!!! AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!
And as usual, I've got a magnificent quote for all you lovelies...
"The future depends on what you do today." -Ghandi
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
When things got really bad there for a while, I hoped that I would receive a sign that things will be ok.
Today, I got that sign.
For the second time in my life, I saw a full rainbow.
It was amazing.
I'm gonna to be okay. In fact, I'm gonna be better than okay.
I'm gonna be better than good.
Sunday, 7 October 2012
I have so many things to be grateful for today.
First of all, my lovely family, both biological and adopted. I love them all so much, and the love they return to me is overwhelming.
Secondly, my amazing friends. They are always there for me no matter what, and I am so proud to call them my friends. A special shout out to my girls A, K, and G, my support T, and my DPB M. You in five in particular have helped me get through these rough times, whether it's late night texts, hugging me while I cry, or just supporting me in my time of need, you have all made a huge impact on my life. Without you I would just fall apart.
One of the best feelings in the world is knowing you are loved, and I have known this all along thanks to my wonderful family and friends, I love them all.
I'm also thankful for a few simple things. Shelter, food, water. Being alive. Happiness.
May you all find something to be thankful for in your lives.
First of all, my lovely family, both biological and adopted. I love them all so much, and the love they return to me is overwhelming.
Secondly, my amazing friends. They are always there for me no matter what, and I am so proud to call them my friends. A special shout out to my girls A, K, and G, my support T, and my DPB M. You in five in particular have helped me get through these rough times, whether it's late night texts, hugging me while I cry, or just supporting me in my time of need, you have all made a huge impact on my life. Without you I would just fall apart.
One of the best feelings in the world is knowing you are loved, and I have known this all along thanks to my wonderful family and friends, I love them all.
I'm also thankful for a few simple things. Shelter, food, water. Being alive. Happiness.
May you all find something to be thankful for in your lives.
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
Silver lining
I'm starting to feel better. For a while there, everything seemed crappy, but I'm slowly getting back to my old self. For example I laughed so hard I fell to the floor today. Twice. And it was awesome. My friends have really been there for me, and I have no idea what I'd do with out them. They are my anchor to keep me from drifting away from sanity.
Also my blood sugars have been really good lately. Like seriously. I went to go see my endocrinologist (diabetes doctor) and we changed a few things on my pump and now my blood sugars are excellent! My doctor was a bit rude to me (just like last time) but I do respect what she was saying.
You know what bugs me? People asking me whether I have the "good kind" or the "bad kind" of diabetes. Sometimes I wonder how a society of people where diabetes is becoming more and more common can be so ignorant about these things. I don't blame them, I just wish there was more education on diabetes, better portrayals of diabetics on TV, that kind of thing.
To continue with my tradition of quotes...
If you're reading this...
Congratulations, you're alive.
If that's not something to smile about,
then I don't know what is
Peace, love and rock and roll!
Also my blood sugars have been really good lately. Like seriously. I went to go see my endocrinologist (diabetes doctor) and we changed a few things on my pump and now my blood sugars are excellent! My doctor was a bit rude to me (just like last time) but I do respect what she was saying.
You know what bugs me? People asking me whether I have the "good kind" or the "bad kind" of diabetes. Sometimes I wonder how a society of people where diabetes is becoming more and more common can be so ignorant about these things. I don't blame them, I just wish there was more education on diabetes, better portrayals of diabetics on TV, that kind of thing.
To continue with my tradition of quotes...
If you're reading this...
Congratulations, you're alive.
If that's not something to smile about,
then I don't know what is
Peace, love and rock and roll!
Monday, 24 September 2012
Roller Coaster
It's funny how one event can change some one's mood so drastically. Last Wednesday, I was feeling really awesome. I was better than good. I sang Bohemian Rhapsody as loud as I could, and it felt great. Then on Saturday I got an email from my (adoptive) dad. Just seeing the email made me feel anxious. Then I read it. My granddad passed away. I can't believe it. One more thing to add to my list. I was fine all day Sunday and most of today, but this evening, I lost it. I had a meltdown and cried and cried and cried. And it's not just about my granddad. It's about my dad in general. In an hour or so, my dad is going to call, and I am going to have to talk to him. The very idea of speaking to him on the phone makes me feel sick. I feel so...empty. It's like all my energy and happpiness has been drained and I've been filled with despair and patheticness. And I hate it. But I don't know how to make it better, and it kills me. I don't know how to make myself happy. I always find a way to find the bright side, but right now, I can't. I'm done.
I thought I was doing better. I thought that maybe things were gonna be ok. But now, I can't imagine anything that can end my bad mood. Except some chocolate. In all seriousness, I'm going through another rough patch. People keep telling me that things will get better...I'd like to believe them.
Sorry for this depressing post, I'm just focusing my energy on not falling apart right now.
I wish I had a quote to put here............
Love you all.
I thought I was doing better. I thought that maybe things were gonna be ok. But now, I can't imagine anything that can end my bad mood. Except some chocolate. In all seriousness, I'm going through another rough patch. People keep telling me that things will get better...I'd like to believe them.
Sorry for this depressing post, I'm just focusing my energy on not falling apart right now.
I wish I had a quote to put here............
Love you all.
Saturday, 22 September 2012
I am not going to hold grudges anymore. It's not worth the energy. I am going to learn lessons from my mistakes and then move on.
I've forgiven those who have hurt me recently. This doesn't mean that I've forgotten everything that they've done, or that everything will go back to "normal". It means that I'm not gonna be mad at them anymore.
"Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so love the people who treat you right, forgive the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason."
I've forgiven those who have hurt me recently. This doesn't mean that I've forgotten everything that they've done, or that everything will go back to "normal". It means that I'm not gonna be mad at them anymore.
"Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so love the people who treat you right, forgive the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason."
Thursday, 20 September 2012
Unfurl your wings
I have decided I'm going to be happy. Now matter what come my way, I am going to get through it, with a smile on my face. There are so many people in worse situations than me. Like starving children in Africa. Or families living in the "slums" of India. Or women being abused by their husbands. The list goes on and on. I am doing WAY better than these people. I am better than good.
"Don't worry, be happy." - Bob Marley
"Don't worry, be happy." - Bob Marley
"People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be." - Abraham Lincoln
"When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down 'happy'. They told me I didn't understand the assignment, and I told them they didn't understand life." - John Lennon
Peace, Love, and Happiness to you all.
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
New Beginnings
Today was the first day of school. I'm pretty happy with my classes, all of my teachers seem nice, and I have friends in almost all my classes. Overall, I feel...tired. And kinda hungry...I should do my blood sugar...Anyways, I'm mainly tired 'cause I woke up at 7am today when I've been waking up at 9 or 10 (or 11:30). Also today we went to all eight of our classes, just to get the sense of where they are and meet the teachers and stuff, so basically I did WAY more walking around today then I usually would at school. I'm not trying to complain, but finding your way around a two story, rather large (in my opinion) school in the midst of around 2000 other people when you only have a basic idea of where you're can be a bit stressful, to say the least. Although it certainly doesn't seem as daunting as my first year there...
So, continuing on, just wanted to put up a post to update y'all. Not much going on with me really, although my uncle's wedding is coming up, which normally wouldn't be THAT exciting except I get to walk my two year old cousin down the aisle since he's gonna be the ring bearer and my uncle needs someone to 'keep an eye on him'. Along with the fact that my little cousin is adorable and I love him heaps, I get to wear a super cute dress along with these new shoes I got that are kinda like fashionable combat boots. My grandma is probably gonna freak but it looks pretty darn cool, if I do say so myself.
Other than that, there's not much else to report...but I seriously am hungry and possibly low, so I gotta go.
Here's a quote for the 'new year'.
Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
So, continuing on, just wanted to put up a post to update y'all. Not much going on with me really, although my uncle's wedding is coming up, which normally wouldn't be THAT exciting except I get to walk my two year old cousin down the aisle since he's gonna be the ring bearer and my uncle needs someone to 'keep an eye on him'. Along with the fact that my little cousin is adorable and I love him heaps, I get to wear a super cute dress along with these new shoes I got that are kinda like fashionable combat boots. My grandma is probably gonna freak but it looks pretty darn cool, if I do say so myself.
Other than that, there's not much else to report...but I seriously am hungry and possibly low, so I gotta go.
Here's a quote for the 'new year'.
Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
Monday, 27 August 2012
Moving on
So I sent my dad my letter on Tuesday, and I've been trying to write a post about it, but until now I was too upset to write anything decent. I was going to write a summary of the crazy phone call madness that occurred, but I've retold the story so many times at this point that I'd rather write something more reflective.
In writing my letter, I tried my best to not accuse my dad of anything so he wouldn't get defensive. I made it short and to the point, while expressing everything I wanted to say to him. I also included this paragraph long metaphor, comparing our relationship to a boat. Overall I thought it was a pretty good letter, but even after all my effort to keep it 'neutral' he was still defensive...he finds ways to interpret accusations out of everything I say.
In the end he said he wouldn't call me anymore and that I can call him when I was ready. I felt a huge amount of relief at this (although he did say that I was making a mistake). Then on Wednesday (the next day) he called me asking me if I wanted him to pick me up. Of course I said no, and he said to call him whenever I wanted to go see him. Then on Sunday, he called again (my phone was on silent so I listened to the voice mail) and he said he just wanted to see how I was doing and told me some stuff about work. He's acting as if nothing happened, and I don't understand why. He hardly ever calls me on the weekends, and now that I've asked him to leave me alone, he's suddenly calling me non-stop. I don't understand him...
Anyways, hopefully things will be better from now on, now that I've removed one of the major stress factors from my life. I just wanted to say thanks again to everyone who's helped me. I love you all.
In writing my letter, I tried my best to not accuse my dad of anything so he wouldn't get defensive. I made it short and to the point, while expressing everything I wanted to say to him. I also included this paragraph long metaphor, comparing our relationship to a boat. Overall I thought it was a pretty good letter, but even after all my effort to keep it 'neutral' he was still defensive...he finds ways to interpret accusations out of everything I say.
In the end he said he wouldn't call me anymore and that I can call him when I was ready. I felt a huge amount of relief at this (although he did say that I was making a mistake). Then on Wednesday (the next day) he called me asking me if I wanted him to pick me up. Of course I said no, and he said to call him whenever I wanted to go see him. Then on Sunday, he called again (my phone was on silent so I listened to the voice mail) and he said he just wanted to see how I was doing and told me some stuff about work. He's acting as if nothing happened, and I don't understand why. He hardly ever calls me on the weekends, and now that I've asked him to leave me alone, he's suddenly calling me non-stop. I don't understand him...
Anyways, hopefully things will be better from now on, now that I've removed one of the major stress factors from my life. I just wanted to say thanks again to everyone who's helped me. I love you all.
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
Miles away, but still close
So I just got back from my yearly visit with my birth family on Saturday. I LOVE spending time with them, so I always have a blast when I'm with them, but saying goodbye is always really hard. Basically, it's full of hugs and kisses and even some tears, and it always leaves me with a heavy heart. It makes me wonder...what would it be like if I lived closer? I could see them all the time, go to everyone's birthdays, watch my brother's soccer games, see my cousins' dance recitals...but at the same time, I feel like it wouldn't be as special. If I saw them all the time, it wouldn't be the same. Maybe we would get into more fights, notice each others' faults, get on each others' nerves...and honestly, I really like living here. If we had moved closer to them, I never would have met so many important people. Like M, my first friend here, or K, or G, or A, or N, or T. And I wouldn't have gone to camp and met my DPB (dead pancreas buddy) M. I just wish I got to see my birth family a little more, that's all.
Also I just wanted to say that I have finished my letter and I am sending to my dad this evening, with A here for moral support of course.
Everything will be alright in the end. If it's not alright, it's not the end.
Also I just wanted to say that I have finished my letter and I am sending to my dad this evening, with A here for moral support of course.
Everything will be alright in the end. If it's not alright, it's not the end.
Monday, 13 August 2012
So I was listening to this song on the radio the other day, and I just listened to it again, this time while reading the lyrics, and it made me think of my dad. I know the song is supposed to be about her boyfriend, but when I imagined that I was singing it to my dad, for the most part, it made sense.
Anyways, I've been working on a letter to send my dad, since I could never tell him how I feel out loud. I just really hope he understands. I've been fiddling with it for the past week or so, and I'm actually quite happy with what I have right now. I'm going to handwrite the final copy, partly because it makes it more personal, partly because I hope that in signing the letter, I'll get some closure.
Anyways, I've been working on a letter to send my dad, since I could never tell him how I feel out loud. I just really hope he understands. I've been fiddling with it for the past week or so, and I'm actually quite happy with what I have right now. I'm going to handwrite the final copy, partly because it makes it more personal, partly because I hope that in signing the letter, I'll get some closure.
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
Rising sun
Hey there everyone.
I realize my last post was fairly depressing, and I just wanted to clarify something. Despite the fact that my life is kind of stressful right now, I still manage to enjoy myself.
Small joys that brighten up my day, like jamming it out to Bohemian Rhapsody while everyone else is asleep, and watching the sunrise, or late night texts to people I miss and trying to supress my laughter because I don't want to wake anyone up.
And of course, I have big joys from the past that cheer me up. Like singing Bohemian Rhapsody on stage with some of my closest friends and going all out with air guitar and everything. Or surprise dance parties with dub step and chocolate milk. Or inside jokes that never stop being funny.
And I have lots of things to look forward to. Like my yearly visit with my birth family (which starts tomorrow!). And seeing T so I can finally give her a big hug. And visiting M in the fall and meeting all her awesome friends.
And that's how I get through my days. Working on my letter to my dad, trying to focus on the happy things, taking it one step at a time. A few texts to T and A here and there, all my emails to M.
I love my dad, despite everything, and I hope that one day I'll be able to talk about him without being upset, or angry, or depressed.
I hope I'll be able to forgive him.
I hope I'll be able to forgive myself.
I'd like to say I know things will be okay. But I don't. And that's okay.
The sun will continue to rise, no matter what. My life will continue without my dad.

I realize my last post was fairly depressing, and I just wanted to clarify something. Despite the fact that my life is kind of stressful right now, I still manage to enjoy myself.
Small joys that brighten up my day, like jamming it out to Bohemian Rhapsody while everyone else is asleep, and watching the sunrise, or late night texts to people I miss and trying to supress my laughter because I don't want to wake anyone up.
And of course, I have big joys from the past that cheer me up. Like singing Bohemian Rhapsody on stage with some of my closest friends and going all out with air guitar and everything. Or surprise dance parties with dub step and chocolate milk. Or inside jokes that never stop being funny.
And I have lots of things to look forward to. Like my yearly visit with my birth family (which starts tomorrow!). And seeing T so I can finally give her a big hug. And visiting M in the fall and meeting all her awesome friends.
And that's how I get through my days. Working on my letter to my dad, trying to focus on the happy things, taking it one step at a time. A few texts to T and A here and there, all my emails to M.
I love my dad, despite everything, and I hope that one day I'll be able to talk about him without being upset, or angry, or depressed.
I hope I'll be able to forgive him.
I hope I'll be able to forgive myself.
I'd like to say I know things will be okay. But I don't. And that's okay.
The sun will continue to rise, no matter what. My life will continue without my dad.
Thursday, 26 July 2012
Letting go
So as some of you may know, my (adoptive) dad and I have some...problems, to say the least. Basically, I'm mad at him for leaving my mom and I. The fact that he's a sociopath who thinks he's always right, never apologizes, and has no moral conscience doesn't really help.
For the past five years, I've been putting up with him, simply because he's my dad. But recently, I've been wondering what would happen if I stopped seeing him. Until this past weekend, I hadn't seen him in a month, and every thing was perfectly fine. I don't remember thinking once, "I miss my dad." Still, I feel some sort of obligation to see him, so I went to his house for five days. Everything was fine, in fact I was almost enjoying myself. Then we had a huge fight, leaving me feeling angrier than I had ever felt before. Then he comes back twenty minutes later, acting as if nothing happened, and asks me if I want to go shopping with him. In my head, I was screaming at him that I didn't want to go anywhere with him, but of course I ended up going anyways. The entire time, he didn't even acknowledge that we'd had a fight or that I was upset. He didn't apologize.
Even when he does apologize, my dad never says "I'm sorry I upset you." or anything like that. Instead he says "I'm sorry you feel upset." which is his way of pretending to apologize without taking any credit for his actions. Needless to say, I came home upset and frustrated. I started texting my friend T (yes M, I'm stealing you're idea of using letter abbreviations for my friends' names) and then I just broke down. I cried and sobbed and let go of all of the built up pressure I'd been holding inside. You see, I have this nasty habit of bottling up my feelings, especially when I feel I need to cry. Mainly because I hate crying in front of others, even my friends, but also because when my parents divorced, I always felt I had to be strong for my mom, since my dad wasn't there any more.
So I cried. I cried about how frustrated I was that I have him as my father. About how tired I was of putting up with him. About how much I wanted to never see him again. About how afraid I was of actually cutting him off. About how annoyed I was for letting it get this bad. I cried about everything that's happened between us in the last five years.
I went downstairs, still crying, and talked to my mom. My mom is a counselor and an overall sympathetic person, so I always love talking to her. My mom gets up to let the dog outside, and my notification sound on my phone goes off. One unread message. It's from T again, and she's telling me that "[I am] better than him in any and every possible way" and that "he does not, in any way, deserve some one as amazing, smart, beautiful and dazzling in everyday person like [me] as a daughter". Then I really lost it. But this time I wasn't crying because I was upset, or frustrated. I was crying because it felt so nice to hear from some one else what I've been thinking all along. Reading that text, I suddenly felt like I could do it. I could cut him out of my life for good. No matter what happens, I can handle it. Because that's all life is, a series of challenges, and once you learn how to get past those challenges, you know how to live life.
Long story short, I've decided I'm not going to see my dad anymore. This next part of my life is going to be difficult for me, and while part of me wishes that I could just have a clean break where my dad realizes that this is my decision and leaves my mom out of it, I know that will never happen.
So I just want to say thank you. Thank you to my 'homegirls' A, G, and K, for always being there for me. Thank you to T, for giving me the extra push I needed to make this decision. Thank you to my dead pancreas buddy M, for listening to me complaining. Thank you to my family, for all your support and love. And thank you to anyone actually reading this long post. I love and appreciate all of you.
For the past five years, I've been putting up with him, simply because he's my dad. But recently, I've been wondering what would happen if I stopped seeing him. Until this past weekend, I hadn't seen him in a month, and every thing was perfectly fine. I don't remember thinking once, "I miss my dad." Still, I feel some sort of obligation to see him, so I went to his house for five days. Everything was fine, in fact I was almost enjoying myself. Then we had a huge fight, leaving me feeling angrier than I had ever felt before. Then he comes back twenty minutes later, acting as if nothing happened, and asks me if I want to go shopping with him. In my head, I was screaming at him that I didn't want to go anywhere with him, but of course I ended up going anyways. The entire time, he didn't even acknowledge that we'd had a fight or that I was upset. He didn't apologize.
Even when he does apologize, my dad never says "I'm sorry I upset you." or anything like that. Instead he says "I'm sorry you feel upset." which is his way of pretending to apologize without taking any credit for his actions. Needless to say, I came home upset and frustrated. I started texting my friend T (yes M, I'm stealing you're idea of using letter abbreviations for my friends' names) and then I just broke down. I cried and sobbed and let go of all of the built up pressure I'd been holding inside. You see, I have this nasty habit of bottling up my feelings, especially when I feel I need to cry. Mainly because I hate crying in front of others, even my friends, but also because when my parents divorced, I always felt I had to be strong for my mom, since my dad wasn't there any more.
So I cried. I cried about how frustrated I was that I have him as my father. About how tired I was of putting up with him. About how much I wanted to never see him again. About how afraid I was of actually cutting him off. About how annoyed I was for letting it get this bad. I cried about everything that's happened between us in the last five years.
I went downstairs, still crying, and talked to my mom. My mom is a counselor and an overall sympathetic person, so I always love talking to her. My mom gets up to let the dog outside, and my notification sound on my phone goes off. One unread message. It's from T again, and she's telling me that "[I am] better than him in any and every possible way" and that "he does not, in any way, deserve some one as amazing, smart, beautiful and dazzling in everyday person like [me] as a daughter". Then I really lost it. But this time I wasn't crying because I was upset, or frustrated. I was crying because it felt so nice to hear from some one else what I've been thinking all along. Reading that text, I suddenly felt like I could do it. I could cut him out of my life for good. No matter what happens, I can handle it. Because that's all life is, a series of challenges, and once you learn how to get past those challenges, you know how to live life.
Long story short, I've decided I'm not going to see my dad anymore. This next part of my life is going to be difficult for me, and while part of me wishes that I could just have a clean break where my dad realizes that this is my decision and leaves my mom out of it, I know that will never happen.
So I just want to say thank you. Thank you to my 'homegirls' A, G, and K, for always being there for me. Thank you to T, for giving me the extra push I needed to make this decision. Thank you to my dead pancreas buddy M, for listening to me complaining. Thank you to my family, for all your support and love. And thank you to anyone actually reading this long post. I love and appreciate all of you.
Thursday, 19 July 2012
"As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
This quote rings so true to me, I can't even begin to explain it. But I'll try...
For diabetes, you have to be able to trust your instincts when you feel low, high, like you bolused too much, or too little. Sometimes you have to ignore what other people think or say and just follow your gut, and that can be really hard to do. However, you also need to be able to trust others as well. Like when your mom says she thinks your low because your grumpy, and you really want to tell you're not, but you test anyways. Or when you feel low, and your meter says you're 14.1.
I must admit, I sometimes have difficulty trusting. Not all the time, just with certain sensitive issues like my parents' divorce and all the details. So trusting myself is really important in my life. I do have some close friends that I trust with a few things, but honestly, I haven't sat down and told anyone all of my problems, secrets and inner thoughts. I just don't do that. I tell my diabetic friends things about diabetes, I tell my empathetic friends about my parents' divorce, I tell my friends who are good listeners all about my adoption. But I haven't told one person all of these things. Everyone in my life receives snippets of who I truly am, but not the whole picture. Like a jigsaw puzzle with a few pieces missing.
Returning to reality, all this to say, I trust myself more than anyone else. I am the only one who knows everything to know about me, and that's ok. Maybe one day I'll come across someone who I trust more than myself, but I'll deal with that when it happens.
Not a bad first post, if I do say so myself.
Here's another quote to finish it off.
"The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them." - Ernest Hemingway
This quote rings so true to me, I can't even begin to explain it. But I'll try...
For diabetes, you have to be able to trust your instincts when you feel low, high, like you bolused too much, or too little. Sometimes you have to ignore what other people think or say and just follow your gut, and that can be really hard to do. However, you also need to be able to trust others as well. Like when your mom says she thinks your low because your grumpy, and you really want to tell you're not, but you test anyways. Or when you feel low, and your meter says you're 14.1.
I must admit, I sometimes have difficulty trusting. Not all the time, just with certain sensitive issues like my parents' divorce and all the details. So trusting myself is really important in my life. I do have some close friends that I trust with a few things, but honestly, I haven't sat down and told anyone all of my problems, secrets and inner thoughts. I just don't do that. I tell my diabetic friends things about diabetes, I tell my empathetic friends about my parents' divorce, I tell my friends who are good listeners all about my adoption. But I haven't told one person all of these things. Everyone in my life receives snippets of who I truly am, but not the whole picture. Like a jigsaw puzzle with a few pieces missing.
Returning to reality, all this to say, I trust myself more than anyone else. I am the only one who knows everything to know about me, and that's ok. Maybe one day I'll come across someone who I trust more than myself, but I'll deal with that when it happens.
Not a bad first post, if I do say so myself.
Here's another quote to finish it off.
"The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them." - Ernest Hemingway
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